07 February, 2009

Official Gmail Stickers

This is pretty funny - Google is giving away stickers via snail mail. Send a SASE (self-addressed stamped envelope - when's the last time you heard THAT term?) to:

Send me some Gmail stickers already
P.O. Box 391420
Mountain View, CA 94039-1420

Send it by Feb 14 for some old-school fun!
From Official Gmail Blog: Get your Gmail stickers

PS - THIS IS MY 100th POST! Wowza.

2 Comment(s):

D.J.V. said...

What is the point of this?

Amy Pospiech said...

The point is that it's cool how a tech giant can employ some traditional paper-based goodness for a simple promotional tool. It just shows what kind of company Google is (their sense of humor) and besides, it's free and fun, so why not? This post is over a year old now, but it made me smile when I originally saw it on the Google blog so I shared it with my readers.

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